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Blind Act of Kindness
Hearing a radio announcer report, "Today, we have another random act of senseless violence to report," gave Chuck Wall the idea to change the well-known negative word, "violence," to the positive word, "kindness." Reportedly, he initiated the "Random Acts of Kindness" movement. Chuck Wall is blind.... posted on Jan 27 2004, 840 reads


The Ongoing Wow
... posted on Jan 26 2004, 1,061 reads


Ants of the Planet
... posted on Jan 25 2004, 729 reads


Measuring Emotions
Can you measure anger, love, joy? After 20 years of research, Dr. David Hawkins says yes. In his book "Power vs. Force", he presents a tool for assessing value and motive and creates a "Map of Consciousness" that illuminates the spiritual ladder we must follow as a race and as individuals. Using this method, Dr. Hawkins has made a logarithmic scale ranking of different levels of energy, from sh... posted on Jan 24 2004, 1,173 reads


Simple Religion
Care of the sick originated from religious teachings. The first hospitals were built and staffed by religious orders. Many hospitals even today are religiously affiliated. The first nurses and many early physicians were from religious orders. Not until the mid-20th century did a true separation develop.... posted on Jan 23 2004, 1,362 reads


Chapter A Day
Suzanne Beecher's employees, stay-at-home moms, didn't have enough time to read, so she did something simple: "One night in the daily company e-mail, I started typing in the beginning of a book that I was reading. I stopped after about a 5-minute read and said that I would continue the book in tomorrow's e-mail." Pretty soon, they were all reading. Four years later, Suzanne is running an organiz... posted on Jan 22 2004, 1,106 reads


Avenues of Happiness
They throw parties. But they donate all the proceeds to development projects. Couple of young entrepreneurs, relics from Silicon Valley's dot-com era, started AHIMSA Fund to raise some money to buy musical instruments for underprivileged slum children, to setup a curriculums for them to grow further and to give them an avenue for creative expression. "Some would say, why are you wasting your ti... posted on Jan 21 2004, 3,305 reads


The Only Slavery
Ideo. Ever heard of it? The four-lettered firm has shepherded some of the most popular innovations of the past few decades. Apple's first mouse. Prada's ultrahip Manhattan store. Stand-up toothpaste tubes that don't get icky. The Palm V. How does Ideo do it? The secret, it turns out, reduces to one of those touchy-feely terms that make MBAs squirm: "empathy." In the Ideo universe, great design do... posted on Jan 20 2004, 1,603 reads


Love Actually
... posted on Jan 19 2004, 2,430 reads


... posted on Jan 18 2004, 752 reads


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Quote Bulletin

Honesty isn’t a policy at all; it’s a state of mind or it isn’t honesty.
Eugene L’Hote

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